
Mainland Company Formation

A mainland company is an onshore company licensed by the Department of Economic Development (DED) of the related emirate which is allowed to do business in the local market as well as outside UAE without any restriction. Following are the mainland structures we deal in :


Freezone Company Formation

A Free trade zone is a geographical area within a country that can be designated or located anywhere within a country. Equally, a company could move their production facilities to another

We also provide PRO services such as:

  1. Visa stamping
  2. Medical
  3. Emirates ID
  4. Visa applications
  5. Visa Insurance
  6. Visa Cancellation
  7. Change of Status (Inside country)


Offshore Company Formation

An offshore company is the one that you incorporate or register in any part of the world. It provides avenue for any particular individual to operate the business without getting residency in that particular region.

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